
The Seven Holy Archangels of God are the guardians of our soul

Archangel: Due to technical progress, man can see the world well beyond the limitations of sensual perception. With the help of electron microscopes, we can see deep into the interior of a molecule. also, it is possible to penetrate into other galaxies with large telescopes.

What we lack, however, is self-knowledge, the exploration of our soul. Many people are skeptical and cautious concerning these matters, while for others the soul is the most important part of man, animal, and plants, indeed of the the whole of creation.

As man consists of infinitely numerous cells, which are all part of his vibrant body, there is an infinite God and in Him infinitely numerous beings are alive, serving and acting.

“As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
(1Cor. 12, 20 u.27)

As I believe in the words of Genesis that God created man in his own image, so man has all the aspects of the divine essence inside of himself.

Body, mind, and soul are forming man into an independent, unique personality. However, we are limited in time and dependent on food, air, and water. We form the family of humanity and are a part of the living God. The soul is the living, eternal and immortal part of our personality and also a part of the divine essence.

“I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.”
(John 14: 6)

The love of our divine eternal Father has appointed Jesus Christ to reveal this love to the whole of mankind.    Any man, regardless of color, origin or religion, can acquire this awareness if he is willing to put this love into action. Moreover, Christ: the Son of God, is the essential connection between the soul of man and the Fathers all-embracing love.

Christ says: “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.”
(Joh.10, 9)

Through the revelation of the Archangel Raphael in the Book of Tobit, it is known to us that there are seven archangels. In addition, They proclaim the Good News of our Savior. Christ is this all-encompassing consciousness that is inherent in every human being.

So, the realization of divine aspects happens through grace, intense efforts and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The realized man lives in union with Christ.

“Nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. Life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
(Galatians 2, 20)

The existence of the seven holy archangels in our hearts, even in our soul, openes up the way of love and joy. Conscious of the holy angels, we can recognize and live our true humanity.

Thus the eternal light is our way and goal, leading to God, the Father and the Holy Archangels are our helpers and servants, encouraging people through their established oneness with Christ.

Archangel Barachiel

God bless

A caring mother loves her child with her whole heart. How great might then be
the love of our Heavenly Father?
Love is a blessing to us and a calling for every person to live by it.
Barachiel will help us here.

Archangel Sealtiel

Prayer of God

If my goal is to travel by rail to a certain place, then I will do everything
necessary to reach it. If my goal is love, I should do everything possible to live
by it. In communication with Christ, we will meet that love. Start the day with
love, end the day full of love, that is the way to God.
Sealtiel promotes dialogue with Christ and teaches us to pray.

Archangel Michael

Who is like God?

The greatness and power of God is infinite light and infinite love. The ego or
ego-consciousness, however, is darkness and delusion, with no trace of
compassion, mercy, humility and charity.
Michael fights for the true light and love, teaching us to distinguish between
the good and the evil.

Archangel Raphael

God heals

Man suffers from loneliness, illness, anxiety and pain of body, mind and soul.
Our path is rocky and full of trials. As we walk the walk with Christ, we are led
and protected.
Raphael helps us to accomplish our tasks and tests. Supported by him, our
mind becomes purified in order to receive love.

Archangel Gabriel

Power of God

Everyone wants a mother to guard and protect us. Much more we are looked
after and guided by the love of Christ. The small miracles of everyday life offer
us examples of the presence of the Almighty God. As we believe in His power,
we are united with God’s goodness. The awareness of God’s presence will
turn into a living dialogue with him.
Gabriel announces to the people the message of God’s omnipotence and
God’s will. This message will lead us on to the path of his everlasting love.

Archangel Jehudiel

Praise God

Everyone experiences joy in selfless service. What a feeling, if we can assist
and support a living being in distress! Love is the source of this sympathy. It is
Gods message to our hearts. What great gratitude we will feel when we have
gone through severe trials and illnesses, giving thanks to God for loving
guidance, for food and drink; for fellowship, health, peace and well-being,
indeed, for our whole life.
Jehudiel is the power of gratitude in our hearts. Through this we wil be
empowered to praise the greatness and power of God for ever and ever.

Archangel Uriel

Light of God

When night falls and darkness surrounds us, still we know that there will be a
day again and that there is a light preparing the way for us. Faith in Jesus
Christ is trust in the eternal light of God and in his great love. This Eternal
Light is our eternal home.
Uriel, being our messenger of light, will help us to never forget this eternal
light, even when darkness and delusion are surrounding us. Being conscious
that Christ is with and inside of us makes our hearts rejoice in His love and
Trusting in the internal presence of Christ, we shall experience the eternity of
our Creator and Father through the power of love,
